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- Written by Tech Notes
- Published: 07 July 2017
Where To Sell And Buy Valuable Domain Names
There are many places to sell domain names, but I have found many of them are just feeding off sellers need to sell without real benefit, and if you do not pay, then your posted domain simply sinks to the bottom or nobody sees it anyways, and that just is useless and a waste of your time and money. Sadly, most of the largest domain market places listed upon a search are like this. There are places you can post your domain name for free to sell, and buy domain names without major cost or hassle. Their service can be excellent and even better than the paid places surprisingly. This article is about my choice of where to post, and I will update the article over time to add additional ones.
Please note that I do not get paid to write these articles.
For now, number one choice is Domain Classifieds provided by Private WDNS as a FREE service.
(Partial Screenshot of Domain Classifieds)
You can post your domains for sale for free and it is a self-managed service, and you can contact sellers or be contacted through their too. Even if you got your domain posted somewhere else, it is an excellent way to expand the awareness of your domain being for sale. In other words, you cannot go wrong with posting your domain at Domain Classifieds because at the very least you are getting free marketing and Internet exposure for your domain name.
One great thing about Domain Classifieds is that you have the option of having Private WDNS handle all aspects of the selling or buying of your domain name. For them to handle the sale of a Domain Name, they prefer the price tag be above five hundred dollars, because they do a huge amount of work for every sale to get completed; although I've known them to work with lower priced domains too, and so contact them and ask. When Private WDNS handles the Domain Name transaction, both buyers and sellers identity and information are kept private, and not disclosed to the other. Private WDNS also has a detailed and tested process in placed to ensure neither party gets ripped off with a fraudulent transaction. In other words Private WDNS ensures that both the Seller gets the money and the Buyer gets the domain name. As part of the transaction process when a domain name sale is close to completion, Private WDNS takes control of the domain name, any account, control panel, and/or email associated with the domain name from the Seller, and they also get the funds paid by the Buyer. Once everything is gotten, verified, payment cleared, documents signed, etc, then the Buyer and Seller are given the domain name and funds respectively. They do all the communication (emails, and phone calls), legal documentation, identity checking, paper work, managing of the posting, payment receipts, and charging for funds, and finalization tasks for the sale completion. Essentially, escrow of documents, and funds is included as part of Private WDNS process.
This article is partially complete. Please check back for updates.
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